Love Ukraine

Love your Ukraine, love as you would the sun,
the wind, the grass and the streams together...
love her in happy hours, when joys are won,
and love her in time of stormy weather.
Volodymyr Sosyura

Boundless steppes, thick forests, serene groves, towering mountains, warm and caressing seas, wide rivers, whimsical cave labyrinth, numerous nature preserves, parks, exotically rich museum collections, historical and cultural landmarks.

This is our Ukraine, our Motherland, our native land, our only land. Ukrainians and Russians, Byelorussians and Moldavians, Bulgarians and Hungarians, Polish, Czechs, Slovaks, Greeks and others. — we are more than 100 nationalities on this land. We have the only land for all of us, the only sun and the only sky.

For me there is no place more delightful than my native land. We connect many pleasant things with it — our dearest people: parents, our friends; beautiful nature, gentle flowers, the trees in the yard, the native language and music, the first book read in childhood, lively and noisy games. That’s why we miss our home badly when we are away. You always look forward to home coming and are delighted to meet your parents and friends.

There are so many songs and poems about my native land — Ukraine. They arouse much excitement, warmness and tenderness. Love of your Motherland does not come to you of it’s own accord. We can love only something that we know well. And we know a lot about the history of our country. Ukraine has a long and glorious history. Our history is full of dramatic events and heroic deeds. We multiply the glory and pride of our native Ukrainian history with noble deeds of our everyday life for the rebirth of Ukraine.

We have some knowledge of our culture. It is rich in beautiful songs, music, arts, and monuments of the past.

And how beautiful the Ukrainian language is! Where does one’s Motherland begin? It begins with mother’s tender word spoken over the cradle or crib, with folk tales, with the native song, with the guilder rose and the mint near the native house, with the love for the land of our fathers and forefathers.

If you love the culture of your Motherland and are able to see the beauty of the Ukrainian landscape, you certainly love your country. Her beauty is eternal for your sake. Her speech is tender with the nightingale.

Ukraine is abundant in all tourist attractions for travellers eager to learn more about the surrounding world, people inhabiting it, their history and folkways.

Love Ukraine. Photo: Chyzh

Love Ukraine with all your heart, and with exultant faces let all your deeds her majesty maintain.

We have always loved our Ukraine, we shall always love it. Let there always be peace and friendship on our land, in our Ukraine! Let us always be good friends and good neighbors in a village, in a town, in Ukraine in Europe and in the whole world!

Bohdana Maksymyuk
Form 11, school #2, Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk region
KosivArt — Original Ukrainian
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