You’ll be impressed with a friendly personnel service quality and with a taste of hutsul food cooked with a special own recipes of Mrs. Tetjana and Ruslana.
Restaurant «Kolyba»
In «Kolyba’s» menu are favourite food of highlanders cooked from a environmentally appropriate and nourishing products, tasty and health-giving:
hutsul banush (corn mush with butter);
highland brynza and huslinka (native milk products);
vareniks with popatoes, brynza and greaves;
hutsul appetizer (white lard with garlic and onion);
hutsul meat dish (flavouring stewed pork with sour cream);
potatoes baked with meat;
joryny (greaves pie);
marinaded mushrooms;
ceps in sour cream;
mushroom soup;
red-beet soup with mushroom spiced pudding;
highlanders stuffed cabbage with mushrooms;
river trout in sour cream;
vareniks with Holland cheese;
steam pies with cherry and poppy-seed;
nalisnics (slapjacks) with honey and nuts;
herb and honey carpathian tea.
Restaurant «Kolyba»
Restaurant «Kolyba» — it’s a delicious food, hutsul music, excellent mood and pleasant impressions!
15 Turystychna street Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk region Ukraine, 78600