
Rozhniv is the largest village in Kosiv district. There are 5,560 inhabitants there.

The distance from Kosiv is 12 kilometers. The distance from Zabolotiv railway station is 16 km. The whole village is divided into 4 parishes that determine its territorial division: Steblitska, Pidhirska, Chaplyntsi and Zarika that in their turn consist of 36 natural limits and corners.

The first mentioning of the village is in the year 1424. For 80 years of the 19th century till 1926 the village belonged to Zabolotiv district.

The secondary school (the former head-master Ye. Haluchuk) is the biggest in district and is built on the collective farm. There are 120 children in the kindergarten. There are two People Houses (built with donations from emigrants to America), the former rozhnivchan, and two libraries.

10 doctors of science, two peoples artists of Ukraine, 15 associates in Science and two Shevchenko National Prize Winners. Mariya Stefyuk — an honoured artist of Ukraine and Fedir Pohrebennyk, finished Rozhniv secondary school here (now school-kolehium «Hutsulshchyna»).

Monuments of history and culture are: burials of the times of the Carpathians tumulus (2–5 century), three crosses in the honour of abolishment from corvee, St. Bohorodytsi church and a steeple from the year 1867, St. Preobrazhenska church with a steeple, a monument to those people who didn’t come back from the Second World War: 130 rozhnivchan died on the Soviet-German front, hundreds were forced to Germany under constraint work, killed by fascists and enkavedystamy. 165 people were sent to Siberia. 88 people served different lengths of imprisonment. 35 inhabitants were punished by ounivtsi for the treachery and collaboration with NKVS.

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